Summer is over and it was time to find a picture for our Christmas card. What I found was lots and lots of pictures of my Merci. She thoroughly enjoys life. Summer at the cabin was fun, chasing chippies, boatrides, relaxing and just being loved.

Me and my Merci - last boatride of the summer
What more could a sweet girl ask for? She is my little doll. I look at her and just am so amazed at how far she has come in the 13 months since we adopted her from Cheryl.

Cheryl with Nolan (under her arm), Merci (hand on leg) and their baby girl....Maggie May (red leash)
They had just been rescued that week. It breaks my heart to see my beautiful girl looking so terrible.... but it gets better!!

Nolan and Merci reunited 10/10/09 - exactly 1 yr. after Nolan was adopted by Christine and Joe... The were constant companions that day.
She is hardly without company either... Clutch and Dukie are her friends. She is quiet and puts up with a lot...... but then, they will push her a little too far and BOY! Does she let them know it... with a bark or a snip, she says hey... this is my home and you are the visitor.

This is Clutch - 11 mo. old Springer (Mitch's dog)
he is wild and crazy!!! AND
He's pooped out here!! Merci keeps him in his place!

This is Duke... a/k/a Doodles, Dukie Boy, Dukie McDukerson, Doo Doo, D Boy, Terror, Crazy "D"
He is Merci's "cousin" from Sarah and Gabe. He is very respectful of Merci and perfected the game of "SNITCH" with her. They are buddies!
When my mom gives loves, be rest assured she gives them to me first. If there is any left over - they you can get some! :) Yes, Merci is queen bee of her little castle!!
Me and my Mom at Sarah's in Chicago!
Oh and the fun game of "SNITCH" - Merci invented it and I think if she could put a patent on it, she would. Of course, in the dog world - it would be as big as Monopoly!
How to play:
Her rawhide chewies are kept nose height in the pantry and when the pantry gets opened, she snitches one from the bag (mom lets her)... then Dukie comes up and snitches his... they both chew for a few minutes... then one gets up and the other runs and snitches their chewie for their own! Back and forth and back and forth they go... The winner: the one who doesn't fall asleep first!

After a hard game of "Snitch" Merci won this round!
Here are some pics of my Merci - in all her simple beauty... enjoy :)
She loves the fresh air and the breeze in her face!

Sunbaths as the motion of the boat lulls her to sleep ***********************************

Merci on "Loon Patrol" as she spots 3 of them swimming in the bay
Hanging out in the kitchen while mom cooks
Cuddled up on my favorite bed
After being groomed - she gets embarrassed and hides in her crate
What a difference a year has made in both our lives. Lots of Wirey kisses and hugs to all our friends. Take time at this time of the year to reflect on everything beautiful in your lives. That is the greatest gift of all.
Joy & Merci