
With a New Year comes Merci's birthday! She turned 7 years old on New Years Eve.
The day started with a morning tickle session (on mom and dad's bed). Duke and Clutch came for the treats!! Everyone got their very own rawhide bone and the game of "Snitch" began.
Clutch turned 1 yr. old the day before. He is very brazen as all young pups are and stares Duke down (which Duke lets him know is very RUDE). I just let the two of them have at it, and minded my own business which was getting that knot off the end of the rawhide bone! (I succeeded eventually)
My mom sang Happy Birthday to me too! I helped her as I loovvee to sing along.
Here is a video of me helping mom sing Happy Birthday. (I know I have a much better voice... she is a little "pitchy"). I always practice singing when they watch American Idol on TV.
I hope all my friends have a very HAPPY AND HEALTHY 2010!!

lots of love... and wirey kisses....