It's been awhile since our last posting as Merci has been a very sick dog. We've spent a lot of time at the vets and then at Metropolitan Veterinary Referral Service. We wanted to get her into the University of Minnesota, but it would have taken 4 days and frankly poor Merci didn't have 4 days to spare.
Since we adopted her, she has had tummy issues and we've dealt with vomiting, gas and bloating. Finally she has been diagnosed with IBD - Irritable Bowel Disorder and after spending 3 days in ICU, she has come home. The doctor said it is from all the years of bad nutrition and hook worms. She is on 4 medicines and special dog food and then will start Prednisone therapy in 4 weeks after the ulcers have healed.
Our girl is bouncing back quickly. She has a spring to her step and pranced on her walk this morning. Chris and I are amazed at her progress thus far. Prayers have been answered and we pray her for her continued progress so that she can live the healthy and happy life she so richly deserves.
Merci also got her first professional cut since we adopted her. Here are pictures of her right after her cut. She smelled so good and it was amazing how white they got her fur.

Merci and her mate, Nolan, were in the puppy mill together. On April 27, Miss Maggie May - their last pup (and the only surviving one of 7 in the litter) turned 1 year old!!
Here is the birthday card that Merci and I sent to Maggie May on her birthday! Happy Birthday to you Miss Maggie May Gatins!!
She sure is a little beauty. We are so happy to have a connection with Maggie May and her mom. They are very special and Maggie May is so lucky to be cared for and loved by Dee (and her wire brother Murphy too).
Nolan Need your Prayers and Support!!
Here is Merci with Nolan at Cheryl's right after they were rescued. Merci, always being the mom, cleans Nolans ears.
Nolan lives in Illinois with Christine and Joe. He is their gentle giant. Nolan has been very ill too and goes in for his Endoscopy on Tuesday. He has been vomiting blood and has chronic diarreha. My fear is that Nolan has many of the same issues as Merci. We pray and hope they find the cause of his issues and are able to start him on the road to recovery along with Merci
WE NEED TO STOP PUPPY MILLS!!!! These animals suffer while they are there and from the abuse, they suffer even after being rescued.
Merci says: "Merci Beaucoup for reading my bloggie and praying for Nolan" We love you Nolan, prayers and lots of wirey kisses and hugs from your sassy little lovebug, Merci!! xoxoxoxo

We just saw your post about Merci and the other wires. We are happy to hear from you but sad to hear of all the additional challenges that these wonderful dogs are having to deal with. Mom has dealt and is dealing with some of the same issues (irritable GI system -- that'd be Jake -- but it's calming down) and severe anxiety (that's be me -- though I hate to admit it!) and other "stuff" with other dogs. They all (we all!) came or are coming around.
We'll keep you all in our thoughts. It's time to kick up your heels and enjoy spring. PLEASE keep us posted. Cheryl led us to you ... we're glad we found you. Do Nolan or Merci's pup have blogs?
Wirey wags and best wishes for you,
Miss Fergi (Jake is sleeping)
Ohhhh we are so happy you are feeling better...We are sending GIGANTIC hugs and kisses to make you feel better....Love A+A
I' so sad that you and Nolan awe still suffewing fwom the effects of that monsteous place.
Thank dog youw pawents wewe able to find the cause of youw pain and can tweat it. Nolan is in ouw pwayews! congwtulations on the fiwst biwfday of youw bootiful dogtew!
You awe always in my thoughts. I feel guilty fow always having had such an easy life. You awe hewoes!
smoochie kisses
Merci I can imagine you with a spring in your step and a prance. That's xactly what you where born for so I'm wagging glad you are slowly getting better. Thank dog you have wonderful leggededs to look after you so well.I'll be crossing my paws and praying for Nolan and hope to hear next time he's joinde you on your recover road. And I'm sending Barkday big wishes to Maggie May. If I may be so bold to bark - she's quite a beauty.
Take care Merci get better every day. We are wagging you on. Wiry love and kissies, Eric xxx
Hi Merci...you haven't met us yet, but Asta told us bout you and we are friends with Aggie and Arch and Fergi and Jakie and so many others!!
Welcome to Blogland, sweetie!!! My name is Lacie and I'm a Lakeland terrier...I live in Pittsburgh with Scruffy, a wiry foxie and Stan, an Airedale...we all pretty young...Stan and I are two and Scruffy's three...
We have all sorts of terrier adventures and wanna know if we can add you to ur bloggie list?
We are SOOOOOO GLAD you are outta that dreadful mill...and that you've found a wonderful forever home...we hope your tummy issues are gettin' better and we'll surely keep Nolan in our thoughts and prayers...
Love you sweet Girl...keep that terrier prance in your step!
Pee ess...Our Mumsie knows how your mom felt when she lost her last wire fox...Mumsie lost Sarge our angelbrother three years ago...she had another Sarge when she was a child....it's hard, isn't it!
We're so glad you're feeling better...We'll hold you and Nolan very tight in our prayers...Please let Nolan's family know that we've got the AIREZEN turned up & on its way....
And your Happy Birthday for your pup girl.
You look very glamorous with your new hairdo....
Take care & know we're thinking of you guys...
We came right on over from Asta's blog to offer healing vibes and lots of hugs.
Our friend Asta sent us over to visit you and we are so glad you have a special place to live. We hate puppy mills and think they should be against the law. Did you know they were originally started by a suggestion by the USDA - a way for farmers to make quick money - we think it is disgusting.
Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Java
Hey to you Merci! Nice to meet you! We live in TN & we have rescues at our house too, LizzaBella is one! Plus we have little brothers & sisters that are rescues. Hope you get to feelin better, Nolan too.
Feather, Darla, Pappy & LizzaBella ^..^
Dear Merci
I am so glad you are feeling better - we are worried about you. Sorry it has taken us a while to reply - but our receptionist is a little slow these days. We are sending all our biggest healing wishes to Nolan.
Lots of licks
Sally and Paddy
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